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Group Routine - A (10-30)-12

Balanced Bods
Stuntastics Project
Safety Guidelines

Students should be organized into groups of two to five people. Each group decides on the number of mats and how they wish to set them up.

Each group must go through a proper warmup before beginning to create their routine.

Determine how many classes will be spent creating the routines. Post a copy of your requirements on the wall for all groups to refer to. Have on hand posters, photos, videos, and any other references for the students.

Ask the students to bring music if they wish to perform to a particular selection. Otherwise, select music to play while the students are creating.

A sample of requirements in the Final Routine could be as follows:

Final Routine

Evaluation of the final routine is part of the students’ practical mark for this unit. Students will assist with peer assessment by watching the video of their performance.

Each routine must include the following:

  1. Make full use of the mat area set out as you wish.
  2. Demonstrate use of all three levels (high, medium and low).
  3. Demonstrate at least one example of each type of balance (one, two, three, and four point balances).
  4. Include an example of rotation type movement.
  5. Include at least one group pyramid (be sure to follow the safety guidelines as outlined).
  6. Demonstrate some mirroring and/or opposite movement.
  7. Include music and the use of a ball or hoop in the routine (optional but recommended).
  8. Include a simple form of group identification such as white t-shirts and black shorts on the performance day (optional but recommended).

Include evaluation suggestions for students so they are aware of the criteria prior to the performance.

Evaluation Suggestion:

  • Movement flows smoothly from one to the next.
  • Good body control and technique throughout.
  • Routine contains all the required criteria.

Each group can evaluate each other and themselves and obtain an average from all the marks. Include a comment section.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

Students complete the final routine including all the requirements and hand in a self-evaluation sheet with comments.

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