- Outcome A (K-3)-1
Hopping |
Rat and Phil on Fundamental Skills
Spend time with children exploring basic locomotor
steps (walk, run, skip, hop, jump, leap, gallop, slide, slither,
creep, and crawl.) Display these words in the gymnasium, either
on charts or a blackboard.
Have the children create a pattern using two or
three of the words. They must perform each action four times before
going on to the next word. For example, four running steps, followed
by four jumps, and ending with four leaps.
Encourage the children to vary their shapes, level,
direction and pathway.
Levels, Shapes, Directions and Pathways |
Have the students demonstrate their patterns to
a partner or to the class. See if the other students can identify
the locomotor words that would describe these patterns.

Print words on cards and randomly hand out the
cards for the students to perform. Include criteria on the cards
such as:
- Leaping - done in a backward direction.
- Hopping - done in a zigzag pathway.
- Creeping - done at a low level.
By using the cards students create a pattern.

are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...
perform the locomotor words in such a way that they are easily distinguishable.
are clear.
children can identify the locomotor words being demonstrated. This
activity also helps students achieve the outcomes of C (communication)
and D (effort).
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