Game - Outcome A (K-3)-7
This game can be played on the type of creative
play structure that is found in most school playgrounds.
Divide the students into three groups. One group
is red, one is blue, and the other is yellow (primary colours).
Ask children what two colours make green, then purple, then orange.
Children can then move around freely over the playground equipment.

As the teacher calls out a secondary colour (green,
purple or orange), children who represent the primary colours that
make up the secondary colour must get together and travel in an
attached manner. They stay together until the next colour is called.
(For example, when purple is called, a blue child and a red child
must be together.) Change the colours often.
Stress basic skills such as twisting, turning,
balancing, running, climbing and sliding as the children move about
in the play structure.

the game to set criteria such as: travel only on one foot, or join
hands with the student who represents the other colour. Always remember
safety is your number one priority.

are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...
Students are moving in control and balancing
on the equipment without falling.
Students are aware of and demonstrate safe
movement for this equipment/environment.
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