Family Tree -
Outcome D (7-9)-8
Have the students interview family members and
summarize factors that have influenced their family's activity patterns.
Using this information, students will be able to discover why their
own family has chosen physical activity for life or what has hindered
their progress.
Give each student a template of a family tree.
As a homework assignment, have the students interview their immediate
family members (mother, father, siblings) to find out what choices
they have made in their pursuit of physical activity. For example,
a sister may have danced for six years but no longer participates,
as she cannot find the time with her busy high school schedule and
part time job. The student's father may curl on weekends and ski
with the family twice a year.
Sample Family Tree |
The student completes the family tree and summarizes
the factors that have influenced the activity levels of family members.
Using this family tree and information, the student creates a personal
goal statement. This could describe how the student would overcome
the barriers that have prevented the family from being active, or
how to continue the level of activity that the family pursues.

Have classmates brainstorm barriers to physical
activity they perceive in their families. Discuss how these barriers
could be overcome, and how other families have overcome similar
Create a list of all of the different physical
activities shown in all the students' family trees.
Identify any special or unique activities some
of the family members may have participated in, and invite these
individuals to the class to discuss their participation.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes
Students are able to identify why their family members are active
or inactive.
Students create a plan to encourage their own
activity for life.
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