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Feelin' Stressed - Outcome B (10-12)-8

Have students identify stresses in their lives. Then have students write short, five-minute activities that they might do to manage stress. Review their ideas and put them in a jar. Each class, have a designated student choose a "stress buster" activity from the jar that you can include in the daily warmup.

We usually associate stress with the pressures of being an adult. But the teenage years are peppered with situations and relationships that can cause stress. Imagine the types of stress your students could be facing: the pressure of choosing a career, leaving home for college or university, choices concerning drugs and alcohol and relationships with family and peers.

Stress is part of everyday life. You will never be stress free. But you can control how you react to stress, now that you've learned some strategies to deal with it. (Physical activity!)

Think of some adult role models... how do they handle stress? Can you think of some activities you can do to reduce stress? See if your family can come up with a "stress busting" plan to do as a family. Or watch your parents to see if they have any positive ways of reducing stress in their lives.

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