Attack Tag - Outcome B (4-6)- 2
Discuss with students
the causes of heart attacks. Inactivity or sedentary living is now
recognized as the fourth major risk of heart disease, following
smoking, high blood pressure (hypertension) and elevated cholesterol.
this discussion, tell students the purpose of this tag game.
The taggers (identified as those holding a piece of paper)
tag players who stop and have a heart attack. Demonstrate
the action of a heart attack. (small jumps up and down, with
arms extended in front of the body).
to the students about CPR and why to give CPR to a heart attack
victim. Demonstrate the action of CPR (three jumping jacks
performed in front of the heart attack victim).
two or three students in the class a piece of paper: they
will be the heart attack givers. The heart attack givers chase
and tag the rest of the class. The students who are not tagged
are to give CPR in front of a heart attack victim (tagged
student) rescuing those tagged and bringing them back into
the game.
While CPR is being performed, the heart attack victim and the CPR
giver are immune to further heart attacks (they can not be tagged
for three seconds after CPR is successfully performed).
three heart attacks, the student is fatally wounded and goes to
any of the taggers. The tagger tears his/her piece of paper in half
and gives it to the "fatally wounded" student, so he/she too can
give heart attacks. Play until everyone has a piece of paper (has
had three heart attacks).
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