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Lesson Plan Title:
Curling: The Slide

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   - 5 min video of slide / Critical components of the slide.
- Warmup: Slide around the ice in circular pattern.
- Sport Specific Stretch: Hamstrings, Groin & Quadraceps
- Demonstration of Skill: Positioning in Hack, Clean Rock, Backswing options(lift rock or push), Leg Push into slide (foot position).
- Practise one at a time (Use both ends of the ice).
- Mini Sliding Game: Stand with broom at the Hogline. Move broom from side to side . Have students slide toward different positions.
- Demonstrate Inturn & Outturn. Explain the importanc of their us in relation to the draw(e.g. moving around guards ect.)
- Practise: Have students through one of each.
- Drawing Game: No sweeping 2 ends of regualr curling.
- Demonstrate take out shot: Explain the differences(e.g. less curl)
- Practise Take Out shots: Instrucor Holds broom on target.
- Mini take out Game: Instructor gives points for hitting the target.
- Review Key Points of the shot (both the draw and the take out).
Assessment Strategies
   Use heckilist in a lter class to check off key points of the slide.
Evaluate teamwork and cooperation skills in game situations through a pre-designed rubric.

Sliders & Broom s for all students. Book rink in advance.

Video: Available trough most curling rinks.

Dependent on Disability

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