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Lesson Plan Title:
Movement Sequences

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Types of Gymnastics
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Introductory Activity - Have children show a balance on one body part (hold for 5 seconds), now 2 body parts, 3, then 4. Repeat but change levels with each change. Now try it with a partner must be in contact (physically) with partner.

Body - Have children create a sequence individually including locomotor, roll, balance up to 5 parts (some may be repeated). When finished show a partner and see if they can put words to the actions. Are the actions smooth? Did you vary the levels? Use different body shapes? Teach each other your sequence. Working together, create a new sequence with your partner using the above actions up to a maximum of 6 items.

Culminating Activity - Show sequences to the rest of the class
Assessment Strategies
   Sequence checklist
1. beginning___
2. locomotor___
3. roll___
4. balance___
5. flow___
6. levels___
7. shapes___
8. partner___
9. formation___
10. ending___

„Ï - yes
NI - needs improvement
O - not observed

individual mats - one per student

Resources: Physical Education Unit Plans for grades 3-4 - Teaching Children Movement Concepts and skills
LRC# 395980


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