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Lesson Plan Title:
Prisoners Baseball

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Continued from Grade 4-6 Games

Prisoner’s Base – The playing area is divided by a line into two equal parts, and the players are divided into two teams of equal numbers, each team having one half of the playing area. At the furthest corner of each side a “prison” is marked off. The object of the game is to tag and put into one’s own “prison” the player of the other side. The players cannot be tagged while they are on their own ground. A player may “dare” a member of the other team by running into his zone and back out again. If caught and put in jail, a player may be freed if tagged by a member of his own team. Safe passage back to their own zone is then assured.
When one side has made “prisoners” of all those who are on the other side, or when a runner can run into the opposite “prison” while it is empty, the game is won.

Steal the Gold – Two teams. Field is marked with 2 end lines and 1 centerline. Each team has beanbags behind their end line. Object of game is to capture other teams beanbags and get them across centerline without being tagged. Strategies are needed in this game. Once across the centerline, members from opposing team can tag, if tagged, player must return all the beanbags to their end line and touch it and can reenter the game. If player is caught with beanbag, they are simply returned to the end of the line.
Assessment Strategies




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