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Lesson Plan Title:
Skipping - Introductory Lesson

Basic Skills:
Locomotor, Non-Locomotor, Manipulative
Application of Basic Skills in:
Individual Activities
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Introductory Activity - Have children move in and out of spaces, whenever they come to a line on the floor they must jump over it. (2feet together).

Body - Repeat above only now put short cotton ropes out on the floor as well. Have each child find one rope and jump over it a few times.

- Children pick up the ropes, have them swing it under themselves
- Talk about when and how to jump over it (not above hands yet)
- Talk about ˇ§windmillˇ¨ action of arms vs. wrist action (show them or have someone demonstrate)
- Discuss when they would have to ˇ§jumpˇ¨ (when the rope moves under their feet)
- Have the children try it in a good space
- Try to improve or beat their record; from 1-2-3 etc.

Culminating Activity ˇV Review the arm action and the timing of the jump. Have children try to spell their first name (one letter per successful jump).
Assessment Strategies
   Post 3 happy faces on the wall near the exit door (happy, sad, medium). Have each child point to the one which best pictures how hard they tried today. Did their body get warm, their face a little red?

1 small rope for each child (preferably cotton)

Resources: Hip, Hop, Happy
LRDC# 395104


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