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Lesson Plan Title:
Bean bag - throw and catch

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Introductory Activity – Each child gets a beanbag. Teacher names a body part and children must travel in and out of spaces keeping the bean bag on that body part (no use of hands), change the body part often. If it drops, child picks it up and goes again.

Body – Each child in their own space. Try to throw the beanbag up, just above head and catch it without moving feet. Now try with right hand, left hand, both hands, alternate hands. Eyes must be kept on the target. Hands in a ready position to catch and follow through with throwing. Catch high, catch low, catch to the right, catch to the left, behind. Now try moving in and out of spaces. If bean bag drops, student must stop and throw it up and catch it successfully 5 times before moving again. Talk about peripheral vision and good spaces. Try moving sideways and backwards. How many times can they throw it up and catch it in a row? Now beat their record.

Culminating Activity – Work with a partner and 1 beanbag. Both are stationary 1 m apart. How many successful throws and catches in a row without moving their feet? Beat their record. Praise all groups who got more that 3!
Assessment Strategies
   Teacher Observations and assessment can simply be as follows:

Name Throwing Catching

X – having trouble
M – mastered
? – not observed

beanbags for each student

Games using small equipment Ready to Use P.E. Activities grade 1&2 - LRC # 257180


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