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Lesson Plan Title:
Slings (Slingshots)

Basic Skills:
Non-Locomotor, Manipulative
Application of Basic Skills in:
Individual Activities
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Traditionally, boys learned to use one of these at a young age. With the practice they did, they could become very accurate. Rocks were used (instead of tennis balls) and sometimes targets were small game or birds.

Warm up
Have the class do some gymnastic type stretching and exercises. Try to focus these movements on the arms and upper body

Tie a loop into the end of one of the laces and a knot near the end of the other lace. Place the loop over either the index finger of the throwing hand. Now grasp the knot on the end of the other lace, with the thumb and index finger. Place a tennis ball onto the leather patch, now at the bottom. Swing the sling over the head several times and as it is about to circle in front of the person, release the knotted end of the lace to launch the tennis ball. Demonstrate for the students. Initiate a discussion on safety issues, such as only swing with enough room around you and only swing if there is no one infront of you. Determine the direction of the 'slinging' and have them try with their own sling either in pairs or small groups. Targets may be put up prior to this. Allow time for everyone to practice.

Culminating activity
Allow each student to take three final shots at the designated target. The idea is to keep all of the shots close to the target or to improve with each shot; by getting closer each time.

Assessment Strategies
Peer-assessment rating scale
Initiate a discussion on issues of safety, concerning this activity. Ask what they may have learned about safety or if they had any conversations on an issue of safety with anyone during this activity.
Assessment Strategies

slings, at least 1 for every 2 students and tennis balls, at least 3 per sling. Since slings are not available commercially, they will need to be made. Using two pieces of cord, each about 3 feet long and at least as thick as bootlaces. Now attach each lace to a hole on each lengthwise end of a leather patch that is about 6 inches long by 3 inches wide. Each corner of this patch may be trimmed off, after the cord has been attached.



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