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Lesson Plan Title:
Tactical Awareness in Modified Paddle Tennis

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   1. Warm-Up (5 min) SO B4-7
 take heart rate at beginning of class
 Active Living Tag (like frozen tag but to get unfrozen, another person must mimic a physical activity in front of the student who is frozen)
 take heart rate after tag … discuss why HR has increased

2. Modified Paddle Tennis (2 vs 2) (10 min) SO A4-6
 set up court in badminton court … use gymnastic mats or benches as nets
 allow students to choose racquet and ball that is appropriate for them and help ensure success …
 serve ball from service line (behind front square on badminton court)
 serve must go diagonal into other team's serve area (front square on the badminton court)
 receiving team must let ball bounce before returning the shot
 continue rally until one team fails to return the ball back over to the other team's side so that it lands in bounds
 only allow underhand striking at first

3. Tactical Awareness (20 min) SO A4-10; SO A4-11
 ask students "where is the best place to try and hit the ball so that the other team can not return it back?" … answer should be the corners or in the middle in between the other players
 mark off the 4 corners and the middle of the court with floor markers (e.g., a thin plastic base that students will not trip over)
 play a game using toss and catch (without racquets) … players try to underhand toss the beanbag back and forth across the net so that it lands in bounds on the other team's court
 if the beanbag hits the ground on the other team's side = 1 pt
 if beanbag is stopped by the net or lands out of bounds = 1 pt for other team
 if the beanbag lands in one of the 5 areas (i.e., 4 corners or middle marker) = 2 pts
 team that is scored upon becomes the serving team to start the next rally
 STOP GAME after 10 minutes … Ask students how they tried to get their opponents out of position (e.g., tossed it short then tossed it long; tossed it wide then tossed it into the middle)
 have them play the game again, but this time, try to think of ways to get opponent out of position

4. Modified Paddle Tennis SO A4-11
 go back and ask students to play the Modifeid Paddle Tennis (#2)game again with the racquets
 have them focus on hitting the ball so that they try to get opponent out of position so they can score a point

5. Wrap-Up (5 min)
 review changes in HR and it's importance
 review tactics used (e.g., getting opponent out of position)
 Next Day … focus work on skills to improve hitting ball with a racquet so you can place it into proper space
Assessment Strategies
   Use a checklist of the tasks expected for each of the activities with a choice of 2 categories to fill out - yes/not yet

Racquets, benches or mats, various sizes of balls, pylons, floor markers (e.g., plastic flat baseball bases)


If participants are having a hard time hitting ball over the net, use a balloon instead. If participants are having a hard time catching the beanbag, use a larger ball that is easier to catch

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