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Lesson Plan Title:
Team Handball

Basic Skills:
Non-Locomotor, Manipulative
Application of Basic Skills in:
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   -Sample Lesson Plan-

1. Introduction (15 min.)
* Entry Activity
- set up goals
- practice shooting

* Attendance

* Announcements
- the tryouts begin tomorrow. . . .
- open house, tell your parents, it's Thursday. . . .
i)have the students indicate if interested

* Warm ups
- tag games, stretching
* leadership students leads tag
* I lead stretching

2. Lesson Development (30 min.)
(a) Review {of basic offenseive skills}
- verbal review of lines on court, basic rules
- practice footwork, passing & shooting
* individuals & pairs (areas gym)
* groups of 3 ("3 person weave" length of gym)
ii)orfence, gibe individuals assistance if neccessary
iii)Corry = great, Jenna = new

(b) New Learning Experence {Defense}
* Demonstration / Explanation
- in groups of three
- 2 groups demo (1 on offence, 1 on defence)
i)cues:"step out, hands up" (as offense approaches)
ii)defence must stay out of crease too

* Skill Development & Practice
- 2 groups in front of goal at each end (D)
- other groups of 3 go toward goal (O)
- after shot, team on O=D, 'D' goes to 'O'

* Application of Skills & Knowledge / Game
- combines groups of 3 for a team
* 7 players & subs
* 2 of 3 teams - play full court game for 5 min on, rotate team off for 5 minutes.
i)team off can provide referees/I can observe play

3. Closure (9 min)
* Cool Down
- leadership eg. to lead level stretch

* Summary
- of defence: how, where?

* Evaluation of Lesson
- "where did you think. . ."

* For Next Lesson. . .
- "Remember to hurry in to get up goals and practive skills.
Have a great day!"

i) talk to Tara re: Leadership
Assessment Strategies
   Develop Rubric (self) with students to include criteria such as: 1. my role as a defensive player/offensive player, 2. role as a team member, 3. effort exerted, 4. feeling successful with their effort.

- 2 sets of goals
- 15 balls
- 6 pylons



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