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Lesson Plan Title:
Food Groups Tag games

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Individual Activities
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Introductory Activity – Talk to the students about eating healthy. Go over the four food groups. Breakdown a typical lunch to see if it includes all food groups. Put on blackboard.

Body – Food Group Tag (T.V. Tag) – Select four children to be it. Call out one food group as students attempt to tag others, in order not to be tagged, a child must name a food in that food group and squat down. Child cannot use the same food more than once. Change food group as teacher wants.
Eat Well Tag (Blob Tag) – Select four pairs of students to be it, each pair representing a food group. As the pairs (holding hands) tag others, they must join on to the two but first pick a food within that particular food group to represent. As more attach, children have to think of a variety of foods within each group, play until all children are tagged.

Culminating Activity – Talk about food, what did they have to concentrate on, what did they learn? Which food group was the easiest, which was the hardest?
Assessment Strategies
   How does healthy eating relate to moving, as in games or in the broad aspect?




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