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Lesson Plan Title:
Upper Body Strength

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Individual Activities
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Introductory Activity – “Crabs in the Canal”. A designated area is chosen and all students must stay within the boundaries. 4-6 students are “it” and in the crab crawl position. They attempt to tag all of the others within the area; if caught they too become crabs. Play until all are caught.

Body – Students in groups work through stations emphasizing upper body strength.
a) tug-of-war (standing, sitting, kneeling)
b) scooter obstacle race – using only arms
c) jump rope – tricks
d) wall push-ups (tape on floor away from wall at 3 different intervals)
e) throw/push-ups – partners play catch between push-ups

Culminating Activity – Crab Beach Volley

Use lowered net, two teams, each with 6 beach balls. Must get all 12 balloons on one side. Must stay in crab walk position and only touch balls with feet or hands.
Assessment Strategies
   Help with on-going assessment of individual student’s upper body strength in their fitness assessment.

Teachers comments could include:
a) How did your arms feel on the first day?
b) What can you do to help with this?
c) Is your plan realistic in terms of your weight and repetitions?
d) Why do you want to increase your upper body strength?
e) Why is it important?

rope, scooters, skipping ropes, bean bags, 12 beach balls

Physical Activity Ideas for Action - Secondary level
LRDC# 395766


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