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Lesson Plan Title:
Create a Game Unit/Lesson

Basic Skills:
Locomotor, Manipulative
Application of Basic Skills in:
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   This lesson/unit was done with grade 3 students but could be done with any age group. The unit allowed students to create their own game, based on criteria they developed, and then they taught it to their classmates. I also used the game as part of student led conferences and the students taught their parents! We also integrated the "writing instructions" activities from the language arts program with the products produced in this activity.

Students were asked what made a "good" game and their ideas were recorded on a chalk board. They came up with the following "concepts": Fair, Fun and Cooperation. They were then asked to expand on these concepts - "what do you mean by Fair...?" This helped to clarify their own meaning. (See their examples below under assessment).

Once the students provided their ideas about a good game they were given some equipment. We had found some small nerf balls that looked like the planet Saturn. They were each given three of these balls to create a game - being reminded to follow the criteria they had set. The students were given a worksheet to help them plan their game. It had these components:
Our Own Game with a Space Ball
In our game the players will:
- Have fun
- Cooperate
- Play fair
The object of the game:
How the game is played:
How many players?
Anything else?

Your game must:
- be developed with a group of 2-3 classmates
- include the ideas of everyone in your group - cooperation
- include catching and throwing skills using the pink "ball"
- be fair and involve everyone when played
- include written instructions for the game - communication
- be fun!

Use based on their understanding of the concepts fair, fun and cooperation. We modified the cooperation one to challenging as it was evident that I needed to monitor if cooperation was occurring.

Space Ball Game Feedback
Game Inventors:
Game Name:
Game Players:
The game is:
- Fun
- Challenging
- Fair
We think the best part of the game is:
We have some suggestions for improving the game:
Assessment Strategies
   I reminded the students (with a poster/chart) of the criteria they develped initially when interpreting fair, fun and cooperation. These are the criteria they came up with. (I added the communication skills one after we decided to integrate with the language arts work.)

3 - everyone can succeed at the activity without making it too easy -
there is some challenge involved
2 - the activity needs to be adapted so others can succeed
1 - only those that made up the activity can succeed

3 - real fun, includes some challenge
2 - kind of fun, but not that hard to master
1 - not really fun, too easy

3 - always communicates cooperatively, shares ideas and equipment
and includes everyone
2 - occasionally communicates cooperatively, shares ideas, equipment
and includes everyone
1 - seldom communicates cooperatively, shares ideas, equipment or
includes others

3 - instructions are clear and well understood
2 - instructions were not clear and required further explanation for
the game to be played
1 - instructions were incomplete

Whatever equipment you want - keep it a secret in the first lesson!


I used a small space for this activity, as well as the gym. When students demonstrated for their parents they used the hallway outside my classroom.

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