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Lesson Plan Title:
Round Dance

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Obtain a tape or CD of Aboriginal music.
Explain the dance students are about to learn in a social dance from Canadian Aboriginal People. (explain Aboriginal if necessary)

Warm UP
1)Have students sit along one s of the gym wall.
2)Go over concepts of spacial awareness, beat, rhythm, and body awareness.
3)Explain that the teacher will bang the drum and say what movement to do next. Students are to perform that movement, keeping in mind things just discussed.
4)Students get up and scatter to various parts of the gym, careful not to be too close to another.
5)Teacher bang drum and tell students to walk. Wait 5 - 10 seconds.
6)Teacher bang drum and tell students to hop on one foot. Wait 5-10 seconds.
7)Teacher bang drum and tell students to hop another foot. Wait 5-10 seconds.
8)Teacher bang drum and tell students to hop on both feet. Wait 5-10 seconds.
9)Teacher bang drum and tell students to skip. Wait 5-10 seconds.
10)Teacher bang drum and tell students to run. Wait 5-10 seconds.
11)Teacher bang drum and tell students to stop. Wait 5-10 seconds.
12)Teacher tell students to form a large circle in the middle of the gym and to sit down.

1)Explain to students history and purpose of Aboriginal Round Dance.
2)Explain to students they will learn the basic steps to the Round Dance, Grand Entry Dance, practice these steps, form Tribes, and partake in a Grand Entry Dance in it's proper form.
3)Explain the step to the students:
Men and Women perform the same step. The step takes two beats. Explain beats. Have students clap beat.
Assume upright stance with weight on your right foot.
First beat: step to your left foot, your weight shifts to your left foot.
Second Beat: slide your right foot to meet your left. Your weight shifts to your right foot.
Moving in a clockwise direction, keeping the circle.
4)Tell students to stand up and try these steps. Counting 1-2-1-2...
5)Once students have mastered the step, add music. Ensuring the students can clap to the beat first.
6)Once students can dance to music, mention that they can add head and torso body movements.
7)Once student have mastered the Round Dance, move on to the Grand Entry Dance steps.
8)Have the students sit in a circle in the middle of the gym.
9)Explain the purpose of The Grand Entry Dance. (First dance at Powows).
10)Explain the sequence of entrance. Flag Barrers, Tribal Leaders, Pricess of each Tribe, then the rest of the dancers.
11)Explain that the dancers enter from the side and walk in a forward clockwise, direction (following the direction of the sun) around the circle dance space of the powow. Thus forming a large circle.
12)When moving in a forward direction the dancers walk with a left, left, right, right, left, left, right, right... combination.
13)Demonstrate to students.
14)Have students stand up, spread out by 3 steps, turn to the left and try the dance steps.
15)Have students practice these steps.
16)Once students mastered these steps, add music. Ensuring the students can clap to the beat first.
17)Once students have mastered these steps with music. Stop.
18)Put students into 3 groups.
19)Tell them to come up with a Tribe name, determine a Flag Barrier, a Tribal Leader, a Princess, and Dancer(s). Give 2 minutes.
20)Review entrance sequence with class.
21)Ask Flag Barriers to line up, Tribal Leaders, Princesses, the dancers to line up.
22)Start music.
23)Flag Barriers enter dance area.
24)Tribal Leaders enter dance area.
25)Princesses enter dance area.
26)Dancers enter dance area.
27)Once all dancers entered dance area wait 5-10 seconds before ending song.

1)Have students form circle in middle of gym.
2)Ask students to share what they learned in the class. One at a time.
Assessment Strategies
1)Teacher looks at each student while practicing dance steps to ensure each student understands and can perform the step.

Student Feedback
1)Have students reitterate what they learned in their own words.

CD player
Aboriginal Music
3 Flags (preferably Canada, Alberta and Class Flags)

Indian Dancing: Body Movements, Basic steps and Dancing Formats
Saskatchewan Indian Cultural College (1987) Dances of the Northern Plains (VHS)
Bell, Richard (1996). Inspirations of the Great Spirit (CD)

For students with limited mobility, have them walk instead of doing dance step, or beat drum eat of music at centre of circle or close to dancers.

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