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Lesson Plan Title:
Introductory Games - Lesson 1 (K-2)

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Simple tag games for children are important to a
child’s physical education development.
Lesson 1
Some skills involved in tag games include:
Listening, responding to verbal signals, running safely in large
groups, stopping suddenly, tagging/chasing, working with a group, cooperation between students in small groups of
people, changing directions quickly, risk taking, etc.

These skills are both necessary, as well as transferable, to most
organized sports as the student grows older.

Unit: Introductory Games - Division 1
Lesson 1

1. Squads - assign students to squads
2. Expectations - (teacher expectations) Welcome to gym. I’m looking forward
to an exciting year in P.E.. I ask that you always do
your best and practice good listening skills.

#1 Rule - Safety
#2 Rule - Fun

a) Wear proper running shoes. NO sandals, dress shoes,
hiking boots or spice girl shoes

b) K- 2 - wear comfortable clothing on P.E. days. Grades
3- 6 are required to wear gym strip. Bring a T-shirt,
shorts, socks, and running shoes in a labeled bag to
keep at school. (expectations may vary from school to school)

c) Leave extra clothing and personal items in the
classroom. (including jewelry,
sweaters, things in pockets, etc.)

d) Absolutely no gum or food of any kind

e) Keep long hair tied back

f) Let your PE Teacher know of any medical problems
such as asthma, bone injuries,
frequent headaches, etc.

Other Rules

* Treat this gym like your classroom - we have phys. ed. rules
just as you have classroom rules. i.e. Behave in an
appropriate manner, listen to all directions, put up your
hand if you have a question, stand if you are speaking

* Line up quietly and orderly - eyes forward, keeps hands
to yourself and wait for your teacher to pick you up

* When entering the gym do not yell, jump, throw gym
strip in hoops, hang off equipment. K- 2 - you will sit in
your squads. 3- 6 - you will quickly change and then
come out and read the white board for your assignment.

* We treat each other with respect - when someone is
speaking we listen and DO NOT make comments - in
the gym we are a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves

* DRINKS/BATHROOM - please ask permission if you need
to get a drink or use the washroom

* PARTICIPATION - Every student is required to
participate in P.E. classes. If you are injured or unable
to participate for medical reasons, we require a note
from your parents. If you are unable to participate for
an extended period of time we require a note from your

* BREAKING RULES - If you choose to break a rule your
name will be recorded. Depending on the offense, we
may ask you to sit out. (may vary from school to school)

Skills - Tag Games
Helpful Hints for Tag Games
1. Practice safe ways to run and tag. Discuss
inappropriate tagging methods.
2. Base should be large enough area so that students
don’t bunch together. As students become more
skill at the games limit them to using the safe base
only three time a game.
3. If students are choosing a new ‘tagger’ give them
to the count of 3 to do so. This keeps games
moving quickly and keeps ‘picking of friends’ to a

Go over safety chart.

Ice Cube Tag
Equipment - None
Skills - running, dodging, fleeing
Game- 4 - 5 taggers. The players scatter. When
tagged by a tagger the player drops to their hands
and knees to simulate an ice cube. To be freed, a
free player sits sideways on the ice cube’s rump.
They both call out “brrrr!” The the ice cube and the
sitter can both join the game again.

Equipment - none
Skills - listening, responding to a verbal signal,
Game- Do you think you could play a game with these
three rules: listening, stopping at a certain time, and not
touching anyone. Good. The game is called, “I See . . .”
When I say, “I see.” You say “What do you see?” Whatever
I tell you that I see, you will pretend to be or do. Actions
continue until the teacher says see again.
Last phrase could be see girls and boys sitting quietly in
front of me.

Spider Push Up Tag
Equipment - none
Skills - running fleeing, dodging
Game- 4 - 5 taggers are chosen. If tagged the person
must sit cross legged on floor. A free person comes and
sits down in front of them and they put their finger tips
together to form an arch. Pump the arch in and out and
sing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” Both go free

5. Wrap Up - review rules, expectations, and games
Assessment Strategies
   Point to one of 3 happy faces on the way out of the gym to depict your effort today




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