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Lesson Plan Title:
Group Routine

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Types of Gymnastics
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Introductory Activity – Have children review skills from last day. Put on blackboard – rolls (4 types), balances (static and dynamic), locomotor (vary levels, speed, directions, pathways and body parts)

Body – Put students into groups of 4-5. Students are to work on a floor work routine to be put to music of their choice. Go over criteria with students – what you expect, what routine must include, what things make up an interesting floor routine etc (develop a rubric for assessment here – post for all to see). Allow students time to work on this. Circulate and help out – give direction for the criteria you are looking for (example – formation of group, use of levels, speed, types of rolls etc.)

Culminating Activity – Videotape the groups when they are ready. This can lead to peer assessment with the rubric that the students already developed.
Assessment Strategies
   After the students have helped to create the rubric based on the criteria, have them peer assess each group. This can either be done from the video or in class.

Be sure the following are included: use of space, creative moves, choreography, flow, etc.

mats to cover all areas that the studetns are using
CD players
video camera

Cooperative Learning In Physical Education
LRC# 396201


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