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Lesson Plan Title:
Active Living in the Community

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Individual Activities
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Introductory Activity – Talk to students about the benefits of physical activity. What negative things do we have in our lives that affect this? (Smoking, drugs, stress, media, technology).

Body – Take students through a fitness center led by someone who can go over the equipment, use of it, individualize it (small groups)
- Students should be allowed time to find out where they are now and time to set realistic goals of what they’d like to achieve. (Examples: upper body strength, leg strength, number of repetitions, amount of weight). These should be recorded for each student and goals can be set from there. If time allows, have students go through some activities that can help to move them toward their goals.

Culminating Activity – Have students complete their goals and plans along with dates. Hand in a copy to keep on file and update over a period of time.

Assessment Strategies

Assessment will be ongoing in the form of the student’s fitness log. Should be updated at regular intervals and discussed with students. This should focus on individual improvement.
Assessment Strategies

fitness center
goal sheets/pencils

Resources: Dumbbells for Dumbbells - LRC# 395253, and P.E. for You - LRC# 395253


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