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Personal Training - Outcome A (7-9)-13


The purpose of this activity is to help students set up their own running program during a cross-country running unit.

Set up a beginner, intermediate, and advanced running group to accommodate the students’ different levels. Students can choose which group they would like to begin with and set a goal they would like to reach. Goals can include running for 10 minutes straight in class or running in a community 5 or 10 kilometre race in the fall (e.g., Run for the Cure, Terry Fox Run).

Provide each student with a log sheet to be filled in after every class run, and after additional runs if the student chooses.

Perceived Exertion Scale Sheet

During each class, monitor the groups and give training tips for each group such as

  • Beginner group: walk one minute and run one minute. Increase the running time for each class.
  • Intermediate group: run on the track, doing time splits and pacing.

Run as a team at a community event or during school time for a charitable cause (e.g., Terry Fox Run).

Encourage students to bring their parents and siblings on the community fun runs.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

Students work at attaining their goals for the activity.

Students improve the distance or time they are able to run over the course of the unit.

Students complete the log sheet. The log sheets show increasing distances, and they are able to meet their goals.

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