General Outcome A :: ActivityGeneral Outcome B :: Benefits HealthGeneral Outcome D :: Do It Daily... For LifeGeneral Outcome C :: Cooperation
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Outcomes... the final result of all your planning and activities throughout the year. What students should know and be able to do at the end of their year(s) in school are referred to as outcomes. The K-12 Physical Education Program has four general outcomes.

  • Activity
  • Benefits to Health
  • Cooperation
  • Do it Daily... for Life

The ABCD's of Physical Education

Each general outcome includes grade-specific outcomes under a heading identified as a curriculum organizer. For General Outcome "A", Activity, the curriculum organizers are locomotor, nonlocomotor, manipulative, alternative environments, dance, games, gymnastics, and individual activities. This component of PE online is a teacher resource that includes ideas of activities to use in order to assist students in addressing the outcomes for General Outcome "A".

To access the outcomes, choose the grade level you teach, then one of the curriculum organizers.

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