That's a Stretch -
Outcome D (7-9)-5

As research into athletic injuries continues,
educators are looking for information that identifies safe stretches.
This activity allows the students to practice stretches that are
safe, and to creatively construct variations to these activities.
Create a poster using the PDF file provided. Post
this poster on the wall and have students view it. An alternative
would be to use the PDF file as a handout.
Whole Body Stretching Routine |
After a tag or similar warmup activity, begin
a stretching routine. Ask the students to identify one of the stretches
they saw, either by calling out the name of the stretch or by a
given clue (e.g., Which stretch claimed to stretch your neck?) See
PDF file for answer.
Now ask students to think of an alternative way
to stretch this same muscle group. As students attempt new stretches,
focus attention on how the stretch should feel. If stretching too
vigorously, the muscle will tighten and not relax. Hold all stretches
for a minimum of 15 to 20 seconds.
Explain that the stretches students are learning
should be used for all activities and warmups. Some stretches require
close supervision to ensure safe execution.
Students will participate in correctly demonstrated
stretches as part of their warmup in order to learn correct form
and technique.

Have the students identify appropriate stretches
and try to replicate those. They are to create five stretches for
each muscle group.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes
Students perform safe stretches.
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