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Gotta Dance! - Outcome D (7-9)-6

Students seldom understand when and where they might use their dance skills after physical education. As a class, brainstorm when students would use their dance abilities in the future (e.g., weddings, bar mitzvahs, family reunions). Explain that many adults wish they had a dance background so that when they do have to "step lively", they could feel confident and competent. Point out that people can learn how to dance from a variety of teaching methods including dance lessons, videos, and from their peers.

Have each student set a goal indicating what they would like to achieve from their involvement in a dance unit. This may include being more comfortable participating in a school dance, or being able to dance with their cousin without stepping on their partner's feet at an upcoming family wedding.

Organize the students into groups of individuals who share similar goals. Brainstorm ways to achieve their goals that can be accomplished in physical education class. Decide on dances that would help them achieve their goals, such as learning a common line dance so they can participate at the school dance, or learning a video dance so they can demonstrate current dance moves.

Design the dance unit to fit the needs that the students have identified. This may involve bringing in a community dance instructor to teach current dance moves, or providing access to videos so that students can identify moves for a dance routine they will create.

Teach the entire dance unit using a variety of methods: video, guest speaker, dance instructor, and books so that each student is exposed to different ways of learning.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

Students identify goals to improve their dance skills based on their personal needs.

Students plan and take action to achieve their goals.

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