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Children's Choice - Outcome D (K-3)-9

Striking Horizontally

Ball Bouncing

Set up stations in the gym. Some examples of equipment at each station could be:

  • Skipping ropes
  • Hula hoops
  • Paddle bats
  • Balls and basketball net
  • Hockey sticks and net.

Let the children choose which activity to play at for 10 minutes. At the end of that time all the children must switch to another station.

After the students have tried two stations, or at the end of the class, talk to them as a group about choices in life and especially about choices to be active. Talk about how these choices pertain to after school hours and weekends. Have the children share with the class their favourite out of school physical activities.

Ask them what activities they would like to be doing when they are teenagers.

Give each child a paper divided into sections. Each time the child completes a 20 minute physical activity outside school hours, they draw a picture of that activity in one of the squares and a parent initials it. When the sheet is complete, they bring it back to school.

Today I Was Active

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

The completed forms could serve as a form of assessment.

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