Madness - Outcome B (7-9)-5
you ever lost your gym time? Here's a classroom activity your students
can do and still meet an outcome.
the students to bring in samples of articles they have found
on the Internet or in magazines related to substance abuse,
and "performance enhancing substances". Ask students to reflect
on an activity they participate in regularly. Would Creatine
affect their performance? Discuss the pros and cons of using
this product. Is it "cheating" to enhance performance with supplements?
Would a vitamin supplement be seen as a performance enhancing
product? |
During the body image
discussion, talk about ways that body builders enhance their particular
body type.
Now ask students to list
the benefits and costs of using performance-enhancing drugs? Ask
them to come up with a list of ways that would achieve the same
PPES - Positive Performance
Enhancing Substances
to the cross-country running or track and field units, refer students
to the Hydration fact sheet
from the Sport Medicine Council of Alberta. Discuss the importance
of hydrating before events and Physical Education class.
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