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K-3 Well-Being

  Kindergarten Grade 1
Outcome B_-6 Experience how physical activity makes one feel. Describe how physical activity makes you feel.
Grade 2 Grade 3
Describe how the body benefits from physical activity. Describe the benefits of physical activity to the body.
Outcome B_-7 Kindergarten Grade 1
Experience the changes that take place in the body during physical activity. Recognize the changes that take place in the body during physical activity.
Grade 2 Grade 3
Identify changes that take place in the body during physical activity. Describe the changes that take place in the body during physical activity.
Outcome B_-8 Kindergarten Grade 1
Understand the connections between physical activity and emotional well-being; e.g., feels good. Understand the connections between physical activity and emotional well-being; e.g., feels good.
Grade 2 Grade 3
Understand the connections between physical activity and emotional well-being; e.g., feels good. Understand the connections between physical activity and emotional well-being; e.g., feels good.

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