Partner Tag -
Outcome A (10-30)-1
Instruct the students to find a partner and link
arms with that person. They should be facing the same direction.
Each couple must then find another pair, and stand facing them.
Have the students decide which pair will be named "A"
and which pair will be named "B".
Set the boundaries of the tag
game. Inform the students that to begin, the "A's"
will be "it" and the "B's" will be chased.
Give the "B's" a chance to get moving before signaling
the start of the game. |
How to Play
to catch your opponents.
- Partners must stay linked
at all times. If you become disconnected or go out of bounds,
your team is automatically "it" again.
- Once you tag the other
pair they must turn 360 degrees before coming after you. This
gives you a few seconds to get out of reach.
- The idea is to get tagged
less often than your opponents, and to get warmed up at the same
Its a good workout
and lots of fun!

Do it as a running game
Link the pairs together in a different way. For
example, use pantyhose and instruct each partner to put one leg
into the leg of a pair of panty hose.
Have one partner drag the other until they get
tagged then have them switch roles.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes
Students are breathing hard and having fun.
Students are ready for a stretch warmup.
Students perform the activity with no collisions
or injuries.
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