Dance Mania - Outcome A (4-6)-8
Students learn steps to various line dances such
as Electric Slide and Slap Leather, and practice the steps until
they are comfortable performing them.
Line Dance Directions |
Once students learn the steps, organize them into
groups of three to five. Have them create actions for a specific
section and fit this section into the line dance. For example, they
could create a different opening to Slap Leather.
Allow the students time to practice the dance
until they all feel comfortable performing, and then bring in a
younger class. Have groups of students teach the younger class their
variation of the dance (leadership). When both classes feel proficient,
they can perform together as a large group. The variations on a
similar theme make for a vivid display.

Use other music with the same rhythm to perform
the same line dance. (Choose music the students listen to.)
Try performing the dance (with modifications)
while jumping rope.
Videotape performances and have the class watch
and comment on them.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes
Students demonstrate an ability to move in time
to the music.
Students demonstrate their knowledge of the proper
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