Compass - Outcome A (7-9)-7
Task Card for Orienteering Activity |
Have the students team up into groups of four
in the schoolyard. Ask them to use a compass to establish where
north, south, east and west are. The students then position themselves
at the four points of the compass: one student at north, one at
south, one at east, and one at west. They stand approximately two
or three metres apart.
How to Play
- One student takes a
hacky sack, calls out a position on the compass and kicks the
sack upwards towards that position.
- The student closest
to the position catches the hacky sack or traps it with one foot.
- The second student calls
out a position on the compass and kicks the hacky sack towards
the student at that position.
- As the students become more proficient,
they call out more directions, such as north-northeast or south-southwest.
The closest student retrieves the hacky sack.
Once students become proficient at identifying
north, south, east and west in the schoolyard, introduce an orienteering
- Give directions on a
task card, using compass points and points of reference in the
schoolyard only.
- The same group of four
students will search for and retrieve a marker from the designated
spot on the task card.
- This can be a timed
event. It is important to ensure that all students work together
to find the markers.

If students find a hacky sack too difficult, they
can use a vinyl-covered foam ball, a Sepak Takraw (very light woven
wicker or rattan ball), or a balloon. This will depend on their
level of comfort with the equipment.

are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...
Students can identify north, south, east,
and west in relation to themselves in the park or schoolyard, or
in the gymnasium.
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