Push-up Train,
Hurtling Caboose, and Conductor Dance - Outcome
A (7-9)-12
Push-up Train
Students lie face down on a gym line to form a
head-to-toe single line. When students are in a push-up position,
they place their feet on the shoulders of the person behind them
to form a "train".
Once the train is created, students attempt to
do as many push-ups as possible as a group, without toppling over.
Hurtling Caboose
One partner lies on the floor, face up. The other
partner places their hands on their partners ankles and places
their ankles in their partners hands, while in a front prone
position. The bottom partner now performs a log roll while staying
connected to the top partner. The new bottom partner now performs
the same action.
Conductor Dance
The previous activities work on upper body strength;
the Conductor Dance works on quadriceps strength and teamwork.
Two students sit on the floor back to back, with
elbows linked, hands off of the ground, and bottoms of feet planted
on the ground. On the count of three (or using the blast of a train
whistle), the two conductors attempt to stand up in unison without
placing their hands on the ground or using any other part of their
body to get up. Once the two conductors can rise in unison using
the strength of their legs only, they can join two other conductors
and try the same activity as a foursome.

Vary the shapes by encouraging partner work or
groups of three or four. (Push-up Bus, Push-up Car, Conductor Dance.)
Incorporate the Push-up Train and Hurtling Caboose
to a movement set or a group presentation during the gymnastics

These are clues that you have reached
the outcomes ...
Students complete the Push-up Train without collapsing.
Students balance against each other in the Conductor
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