Pip, Squeak and Wilbur - Outcome C (K-3)-4
Teach the children the game of "Pip, Squeak
and Wilbur". Organize the children into groups of three. Have them
stand next to one another forming a large single circle composed
of the entire class, with a space between each group of three. Each
student in every group of three takes one name - Pip or Squeak or
Wilbur. All three names are used in every group of three.
How to Play
- When the teacher calls out their name,
those persons must step outside the circle and run around the
other students in a counter-clockwise direction, returning to
their partners.
- While one student from the group is running,
the other two partners raise their hands against one another to
create an arch.
- When the runner has gone around the circle
once, he/she goes through the arch to the center of the circle.
- All Pips (Squeaks or Wilburs) attempt
to reach the center of the circle first. They then return to their
original positions.
- The teacher calls out another name and
the game continues.
- Children can run only when their name
is called.

The three names can be anything you wish them
to be (e.g., birch, pine, willow).
Place a beanbag for each group in the center of
the circle and have the runners grab it as they complete their turn.

These are clues that you have reached
the outcomes ...
Students are able to write in
their journals explaining their roles and responsibilities in the
game. (Gr. 2-3)
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