Get'Em Moving -
Outcome D (7-9)-1

Students often need peer support and encouragement
to keep active. In this activity, students are divided into groups
of two to four people. Their job as a team, is to create an activity
or modifications to an activity so that all students are motivated
to be active for an entire class period.
Students can develop incentive programs that would
encourage their peers to be active. These programs could include
prizes or trophies for the following:
- Most improved player.
- Most active participant.
- Tackiest but warmest dresser for football
classes held in the snow.
- Most actual shuttles hit for a glow in the dark badminton tournament (played with fluorescent painted nets and birds).
Students can also work with the lesson plan that
the teacher has already created and adapt it to improve motivation.
For example, students may choose to be in the "Hangin' Loose
League" or a "Tried and True League" for 3 on 3 volleyball,
rather that having the teacher pick the teams.

The teacher may choose modifications or variations
in a skill lesson and propose that the students teach the modification.
For example, when playing 3 on 3 basketball, members of school teams
must keep one hand behind their back at all times.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes
All the students are active for a class period.
A completed self-assessment form confirms that
the students feel motivated by their peers' modifications to regular
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