Pyramid Building
- A (10-30)-12

Each student must have a mat. Instruct the students
to find a partner and demonstrate how to safely connect the mats
together so they dont slip apart. Discuss and demonstrate
the strongest parts of the body for weight bearing.

Safety Guidelines

Balanced Bods
Have the students connect with their partners
and move around the gym in pairs. Then have them change the way
they are connected and move around the gym again. This gets the
students warmed up.

Base of Support
- Instruct one student
from each pair to kneel on the mat with their knees close together
and their hands close together.
- Have the other student
gently push their partner off balance.
- Next, instruct the student
on the mat to spread their knees and hands apart, making a wide
base of support.
- Have the partner again
try to gently push them off balance.
- Discuss with the students
what this exercise demonstrates.
Balances With a Partner
- Instruct the students
to go to their mats and create three different static balances
connected with their partner. They must hold each balance for
a three second count.
- Have them perform each
balance again, but this time they should disconnect from their
partner, add a type of locomotion, and finish with an individual
- Encourage students to
find out what each others strengths are and work with them.
(For example, if one student can do a handstand but the other
cant, the student who cannot should connect to the feet
of the student doing the headstand.)
- Have the students demonstrate their creations
to another pair.
in Groups of Four
- Instruct the students
to connect their mats with another pair to make groups of four.
- Have them go through
the process of creating pyramids with twos, threes, and fours.
- Instruct the groups
to set up two two-person pyramids or one three-person pyramid
and a static balance, or one four-person pyramid.
- Encourage them to come
up with ideas for all the variations, and allow them to refer
to PDF files for ideas.
- Have the students perform
four different pyramid combinations in front of their peers.
- Have each group choose
one of their pyramids for a photo. Make copies of the photo available
to each person in the group for their personal portfolio or journal.
Students can also do a self-assessment using their photo, and
hand it in.
Project |
This begins the routine formation process.

Students can also do this balance activity while

These are clues that you have reached
the outcomes ...
Students stay on task as
they create their balances. They demonstrate proper safety techniques.
Students show good body
control, use of the three second count rule, and consideration of
each others abilities.
Students are able to demonstrate
a mini routine with all the required components in front of their
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