Active - Outcome C (7-9)-1
As a
way of debriefing at the end of class, have the students gather
in a formation where they can hear and talk to each other. Using
a skill learned in class as a starting point for a discussion, students
will make one positive comment about the activity, about themselves,
or about another person in the class. The comment should be specific
to the activities related to the game they have been learning.
example, after practicing bounce passes, the students gather in
a circle with one basketball. The student with the basketball says,
"I really like how Jenny made sure I was passed to before she tried
to score". This student then bounce-passes the ball to Jenny who
makes a positive comment about another student, such as, "I
liked how Bob said 'nice shot' when I made a basket". She then bounce
passes to Bob.

do not need to focus only on comments related to skill. They can
repeat one respectful comment they heard in class, or one contribution
that a classmate made to positive behaviour.

are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...
Students make respectful comments about their peers.
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