Introductory Activity - Review the use of snowshoes and technique needed to walk in them. Children play a quick game of tag on snowshoes.
1) Play Prisoner¡¦s Base*
2) Play Steal the Gold*. Divide into 2 new teams. Use the bean bags for gold. Pylons can mark the center line and the safety lines.
Culminating Activity - Talk to children about the advantages/disadvantages of wearing snowshoes. How did they affect the games?
„h See next page for instruction on games Grade 4-6
Assessment Strategies
On the way into the school, have a poster with 3 happy faces
1. Happy
2. Medium
3. Sad
Have the children point to the face that best describes how they felt about moving on snowshoes in an alternate environment.
pylons (6) 2 containers of bean bags
Biggest Little Games Book Ever
If not enough snowshoes for everyone - you can still play as above with 1 snowshoe on each student (double classes).