Introductory Activity – Review 'The Wheat' with children (groups of 3, formation is like spokes of a wheel)
Body – Teach Troika (Russia) groups of 3 – wheel formation
16 runs forward in circular pathway
under arches (8 then 8 more) - outside person leads first, then the inside person
circle in groups of 3 - left 12 steps – 3 stamps – then repeat to the right
practice without music, then with music, cueing often
Culminating Activity – Children attempt to do the dance on their own with fewer cues.
Assessment Strategies
Assessment Strategies
Design a rubric with the children general enough for any dance. Have ½ the class dance while others fill out a peer assessment using the rubric. Switch around.
Criteria for the rubric could include:
perform sequence of steps (always, often, sometimes)
worked well with others
effort put into the dance
focused throughout the dance
Music for “The Wheat” and “Troika” Recorder
Extra child can go to the centre then “cut in” or bump a person. That person then must do the same to someone in another group. Continue.