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Lesson Plan Title:

Basic Skills:
Application of Basic Skills in:
Functional Fitness
Body Image
Fair Play
Team Work
Goal Setting/Personal Challenge
Active Living In The Community
Grade Specific Outcomes
Activity/Teaching Strategies
   Activity/Teaching Strategies

Introductory Activity – Review 'The Wheat' with children (groups of 3, formation is like spokes of a wheel)

Body – Teach Troika (Russia) groups of 3 – wheel formation
 16 runs forward in circular pathway
 under arches (8 then 8 more) - outside person leads first, then the inside person
 circle in groups of 3 - left 12 steps – 3 stamps – then repeat to the right
 practice without music, then with music, cueing often

Culminating Activity – Children attempt to do the dance on their own with fewer cues.
Assessment Strategies
   Assessment Strategies

Design a rubric with the children general enough for any dance. Have ½ the class dance while others fill out a peer assessment using the rubric. Switch around.

Criteria for the rubric could include:
 perform sequence of steps (always, often, sometimes)
 worked well with others
 effort put into the dance
 focused throughout the dance

Music for “The Wheat” and “Troika”


Extra child can go to the centre then “cut in” or bump a person. That person then must do the same to someone in another group. Continue.

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