Partner Twister
- Outcome A (4-6)-12
Look for "Great Stretches" on the warmup
page. |
This activity helps to improve students
flexibility, which is important for gymnastics and many other lifelong
physical activities.
Students form pairs and stand holding hands, facing each other.
Without letting go of each others hands, students try to:
- Step over each others
- Perform turns
- Pull each other through
Both partners must keep at least one foot on the
floor at all times, and must maintain their balance.
Beat the Clock
Both partners are in the push-up (front prone)
position, facing in opposite directions with feet touching. They
form the hands of a clock at 12:00 and 6:00. On command, the "hands"
turn clockwise as each player attempts to catch the other.

Make the groups slightly larger (three to five
students) and try similar challenges.
Upper Body Strength |

These are clues that you have reached
the outcomes ...
Students are able to keep their hands joined for
all or most of the time without feeling strain in their joints.
Students maintain their balance throughout the
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