the Night Away - Outcome A (4-6)-13
Jumping rope is a great warmup activity.
Students find a personal space and practice some
skipping rope movements such as single jumps, double jumps, backwards,
"pepper", one foot then the other foot, and other tricks
depending on their ability levels.
Students can try to put their movements
together to create a routine. Teacher guidance in choosing
the criteria for each routine is often appreciated.
For example, all routines could include:
- Two foot action
- One foot action
- Movement action
(moving forward, backward, diagonally,
- Action with feet
- One action with
feet or arms crossed.

Skipping Routines |
Students may want to try tricks on the move instead
of only stationary jumping.
Students can create simple line dance routines
and skip to music.

are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...
Students are able to reflect on the following
- I know I am improving at skipping because...
- The trick I can now perform but couldnt
at the beginning of this unit is...
- My favorite skipping trick is...
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