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Golf Safety Practices - Outcome D (10-30)-3

Students should be grouped together in threes or fours for an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of golf rules, safety and etiquette on the golf course. Set up the schoolyard with 9 to 18 Hula Hoops. If you can, obtain flags from the local utilities board to use as indicators for the hole number inside each hoop.

Use a staggered start, where every group starts on a different hole, so that no one is waiting to play. Students get a scorecard on a clipboard and begin by teeing off at their hole. They continue to play until they reach the hole they started at. Each student uses a plastic practice ball and requires only a few clubs, such as a wood to tee off, and a couple of irons (3, 7, and 9). No putter is needed, as there is no opportunity to putt. Once a student has chipped into the hoop, the hole is done.

School Yard Golf

For another golf activity see C(7-9) 3.

Students should demonstrate the following safety procedures and etiquette as they play:

  • Check the club heads before play begins.
  • Allow only one person to hit at a time. The others are quiet during their swing.
  • Don't swing when anyone is near, and allow for room to make a full swing.
  • Never approach a player from the rear when they are about to swing.
  • Make sure the group ahead of you is well beyond your hitting range before taking your next shot.
  • Use the word "fore" to warn others that there is a danger of being hit by a ball.
  • Allow the person farthest away from the flag to hit first, then the next farthest and so on.
  • Allow the person with the least amount of strokes on the last hole played to tee-off first on the next hole.
  • Allow faster players to play through if you are playing slowly and groups behind you are being held up.
  • Replace divots.

Students will complete a true-false quiz after finishing the last hole on the hoop course. Each group will hand in the quiz with their scorecard.

Following this activity, organize an opportunity for your students to play at the local golf course.

Play a "best ball" tournament on the regular course to speed up the game.

Allow a maximum of seven shots per hole before students must quit that hole and move on. They will record seven on the scorecard.

Students subtract one point off their final score for each true/false question they get right.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

Students demonstrate all the required etiquette and safety rules while golfing in the schoolyard and on the local golf course. Teacher and/or students can complete a checklist to ensure that all the requirements were met.

Each group scores at least 80% on the true/false quiz before golfing at the local course.

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