Group Circle Stretch
- Outcome D (4-6)-4

Over the course of a few classes, the teacher
will have taught different stretches for different areas of the
body, and demonstrated how to perform the stretches properly and
safely. Hang posters throughout the gymnasium to help students increase
their knowledge of the muscle groups and stretches.
Following a warmup activity, students form a
large circle. Give each student a number. When the teacher calls
out a number, that student goes to the middle of the circle and
leads the class in a stretch of the student's choice. The teacher
can give the students an area of the body, such as the upper body,
to ensure that the group performs a full body stretch by the end
of the activity. Begin stretching the large muscles first and then
move on to the smaller muscles. Generally you stretch from top to
Before the selected student starts the stretch,
the teacher can ask questions about the stretch:
- Why is it important to stretch that particular
muscle? Answer: because you will be using that muscle later in
the lesson.
- Is there an incorrect or harmful way
to stretch that muscle?
All students can help with answering the questions.
The goal of the activity is to make students aware of the importance
of stretching and how to perform the stretches properly to avoid
Once the students are comfortable with different
stretches and how to perform them safely, have them do the same
activity in smaller groups throughout the gymnasium. Circulate as
the students are stretching and continue to ask them questions so
that they become more familiar with their bodies and how they work.

Great Stretches

Whole Body Stretching Routine

Pre-assign demonstration days for students so
that they can prepare appropriate stretches.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes
Students are able to answer the questions about stretches and
about the safety considerations for each stretch.
Students are stretching properly.
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