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Where To? - Outcome D (K-3)-8

Brainstorm places within the community that are available for physical activity. Make a list of these. Choose three or four places to visit and experience as a class. (The locations could include a swimming pool, tennis courts or bowling alley.)

Taking into consideration transportation costs, supervision, and accessibility, plan to visit some of these over a certain period of time. (You might visit one location every two weeks, or one each term.)

If cost is a factor, discuss and experience the activities that can be utilized within the school yard; e.g., playground, asphalt surfaces, ball diamonds. Discuss which activities you can play in small groups of 2 or more students.

Another way to help students link what we do in the gym to what happens in their lives is to reproduce a picture depicting physical activity (from a colouring book) with large sections to colour. Each child takes one home. Every time they take part in a physical activity for 20 minutes, they colour one section in and a parent must initial that section. Children can bring the pictures in when they have coloured them completely. They could also write down the activity in a logbook (similar to a nightly reading log).

Invite guest speakers to come into the school to speak to students and give presentations. (For example, someone might come in to speak about ski hills.)

Incorporate an activity with a walking program and walk to the designated site.

These are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...

Have children write a journal entry listing some activities within their community which they would like to try. As they try these, you could record them on a chart for all to share.

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