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Performance Pressures - Outcome B (10-12)-5

Talk to students about performance-enhancing drugs, the effects associated with using them, and the reasons people choose to use them. Discuss the influence of media on body image and how that might influence choices to use or not use performance-enhancing drugs.

Have students watch a film on performance-enhancing drugs while participating in physical activity using stationary bikes, stepping machines or skipping ropes.

Videos available from the Sport Medicine Council of Alberta, 11759 Groat Road, Edmonton, Alberta T5M 3K6,

Video #11 Body Building, Body Breaking: copy of segment from ABC's 20/20 news program on steroid use in high schools - 15:00 minutes

Video #16 Crossing the Line: Drugs in Sport: This video focuses on pressures to use drugs and to be the best you can be. The issues are discussed by Kurt Browning, Karen Percy and Dr. Randy Gregg. Produced by the Sport Medicine Council of Canada. - 15:00 minutes

Video #13 Drug-free Sport: This video explains what doping is, why athletes may take performance enhancing drugs, and why athletes shouldn't take drugs. Produced by the Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport, 1993. Available at Sport Medicine Council of Alberta (12:20 minutes)

Discuss the video.

Finally have students go through magazines and find advertisements that may influence the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

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