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Food tag - Outcome B (4-6)-1

Prior to this game, you may wish to discuss the importance of eating breakfast or lunch as a means of fueling your body. One analogy may be equating an empty stomach to an empty fuel tank in a car. Just as fuel comes in various grades, so does food, and "high octane" foods are those that provide quality nutrition.

Here is a variation on a progressive tag game that helps students learn a bit about proper nutrition while still increasing their endurance.

"It was a bright and sunny day as the Energizers (Choose four students to represent the food groups) head out to try and stop the over-abundance of Junk Food and poor eating habits in the world."

Have the students identify one healthy food from each of the four food groups (Fruits and Vegetables, Dairy, Grains, Meat and Alternates).

"The Energizers are powered by high energy because they eat nutritiously (give them each a bean bag); they will try to change all of the Junk food (the rest of the class) one by one into frozen Veggies.

The Junk Food becomes Frozen Veggies when tagged and can only become unfrozen when two other Junk Foods join forces (joining hands around the Veggies) and shouting ???. (Let the students decide what will be shouted to free the Frozen Veggies and turn them back into Junk Food).

The unfrozen Veggies are then free to join the other Junk Food. Energizers cannot tag Junk Food while they are trying to free Veggies, and must give them 3 seconds before they can be tagged again.

Based on the skills and abilities of your students, continue adding the following variations to the game. Once the students have caught on, continue the story:

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