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Choice and Circumstance - Outcome B 4-6)-6


Ask students to identify a factor that would affect their enjoyment and feelings of success in physical education class today. Briefly create a checklist with this criteria.


Divide the gym into four stations. With student input, design activities for each station. Give each station a theme based on the four fitness components (cardiorespiratory capacity, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility).

For example:

  • at the first station, ask students to design a game/activity around the concept of muscular strength. This could include:
    1. climbing activities on the Canadian Climber
    2. partner balances
    3. push ups - performed from the wall, on hands on a bench, bent-legged on floor or full front support position
  • at the next station, focus on flexibility:
    1. games that require a person to keep their feet planted on ground, and they have to try and tag runners as they go by, by reaching from their designated spot

    partner stretches - sit facing each other with legs straddled as far as possible, feet touching partners feet. Reach for partners hands. Gently and slowly pull back and forward - holding for a count of 15. other stretches

  • at the next station, focus on endurance:
    1. create a game where everyone is moving, a ball/balloon is used in some manner and no one is excluded at any time
    2. participate in an activity that is repetitive in nature, like climbing stairs for 2 minutes, jogging for 2 minutes, or sit down/stand up for 2 minutes
    3. create a game where the goal is to keep everyone "huffing and puffing" while participating.
At the end of the class, have the students rank the class using the checklist that was developed at the beginning. Then open the discussion and show students how physical activity can be fun (or not) depending on the circumstances and the choices they make.

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