Reel - Outcome A (K-3)-8
Have the children line
up with their partners facing them about two metres apart. Go through
the calls made on a simplified version of the Virginia Reel (no
reel). Have the children follow the actions to the teacher's call
before trying it with the music. When the children are ready, they
can perform the dance steps to the music.
The dance begins with partners
facing each other in two parallel lines.
- Move forward and back towards your partner
- Right elbow swing (with partner)
- Left elbow swing (with partner)
- Two hand swing (with partner)
- Do-si-do (Walk one step past your partner,
passing on right elbows. Arms are crossed at shoulder height.
Both partners step one step to the right so they pass back to
back and step back into line.)
- Head couple slides down and back with
a slide step.
After students have learned this dance,
ask students in Grade 2 or 3 to try to develop some creative variations.
They can work in partners or groups of four to try to change some
of the dance steps.

Every time the dance ends, have all the children
switch partners. Encourage good sportsmanship and great effort.

are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...
Students move in time with the music.
Students know the correct steps.
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