Human Foosball
- Outcome A (4-6)-6
Divide students into two teams and put out
nets at each end of the gymnasium (similar to the set-up for soccer).
Arrange students into groups
of offensive and defensive players, joined by hands or forearms,
and lined up horizontally along designated lines. Offensive lines
face the net they will attempt to score on. Defensive lines are
between the offensive lines and the net. The number of students
in each line should match that lines opposition. The lines
become smaller in number as they get closer to the net, as in soccer
or foosball.

How to Play
- Each team has a goalie.
- Two to five defensive players stand on
a line about one metre from the front of the net. (The numbers
here depend on the number of students in the class.)
- Facing them on another
line a metre or so away is an offensive line with the same number
of students in it.
- The next defensive line
will be larger, containing between five to nine players, with
an equal offensive line facing it, and so on. (See diagram.)
- Line mates can only
move as a unit, one step forward or backward and unlimited steps
laterally to obtain the ball.
- If the ball is out of
reach the teacher can free it and put it back in play.
- No one is allowed to
break away from their line to get a ball or gain advantage for
a better shot.
- The goalie is the only
person who can touch the ball with their hands.

Once the students are comfortable with one ball,
add another.
Use different types of balls to make the game
more or less challenging depending on the skill levels of the students
(e.g., gator skin balls, soccer balls, utility balls).

These are clues that you have reached
the outcomes ...
Students are able to play the activity using
their bodies to manipulate the ball.
Students work with one another to play offense
and defense.
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