Bucket Basketball
- Outcome A (4-6)-10

This is a modified game of basketball designed
to help students work on improving their skill levels by playing
in a smaller space and shooting at a modified net.

Designate several courts throughout the gymnasium
using lines on the floor and/or pylons. Divide the students into
groups of four. One of the four students from each team will be
holding a bucket on the end line of each end of the court, while
the others are playing three on three. The bucket holders are subbed
or rotated in so that everyone has the opportunity to hold the bucket
and play the game as well.
Students play the game of basketball within the
designated area. When a shot is taken, the bucket holder (who may
be on a chair or bench) can move the bucket to help the team score
a basket.

Identify specific skills to work on; e.g., passing
a minimum of three times before taking a shot, dribbling only with
the left hand.

are clues that you have reached the outcomes ...
Students are using proper shooting form to attempt
a shot.
Students are passing the ball with accuracy.
Students are moving into open spaces to accept
a pass.
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