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So let's say...

You've been working really hard at gymnastics. A lot of effort has gone into improving your floor routine, your instructor has been guiding you through, and you've been practicing. One day you ask a gymnast who you look up to, to critique your routine - you know, make some suggestions, give you pointers.

When you show this person your routine, they tell you there are some moves that "need work." What? At first you're disappointed that they don't like your routine better. Then you're angry. You're being underrated! What does this person know anyway? But then before you know it, a part of you is thinking, "I practiced really hard and I'm not as good at this as I thought. Maybe I should just scrap gymnastics all together." Suddenly every other gymnast seems to be more skilled than you.

Cooperation - Make it a Part of Your Gymnastics Routine

Learning how to interact with others is important to any physical activity, including gymnastics. Remember that even activities you perform alone will not free you from working with others. Among other people, gymnasts have instructors, spectators, families, friends and other gymnasts to deal with.

Cooperation in gymnastics will help you to succeed and enjoy yourself. It involves:

  • Communication
  • Fair Play
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork

Learning how to turn these ideas into skills will help you work through situations like the one above. How could these concepts help you to deal with an issue like this?



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